growing Things EP (2013)

Growing Things

Sometimes I feel like everything I grow just ends up dying

leaving back a steady stream of almost thoughts and maybe dreams

I promise I’m not lying

but If I could water every seed

of the promises you’ve given me

I could grow a garden tall and green

sometimes I feel like everywhere I go I end up leaving

leaving back a windowsill of starter dreams and starter thrills

that finally stopped breathing

but If I could water every seed

of the promises you’ve given me

I could grow a garden tall and green

and I thank the gardner for always working harder

than I ever cared to work

and I thank the flowers for showing me that I could bloom

while giving all my hurt to the dirt

and I thank the window sill that never has and never will desert me

when I don’t feel much like growing tall at all

but If I could water every seed

of the promises you’ve given me

I could grow a garden

but if I could honor what you say

when you told me there would come a day

when all lifeless things will drift away

Each Tiny Thing

my father built my house a porch

he built it with his hands so strong

and though my mother said we’d never see the day

when it was through, oh how he loved to prove her wrong

and as we walked across the wood that held our weight

he held my hand so I would know that I was safe

and he said

each tiny thing I have laid

next to each tiny thing together makes

a bigger thing that we can hold

and you can have it for your own

at least for awhile

so I go dancing with my words

sometimes it’s all that I can do

cause there are things that are too big to comprehend

so I’ll keep rhythm with the ones I know are true

and as I measure every syllable and sound

I’m often left in wonder at the beauty I have found

in each tiny thing that I say

and each tiny thing that I wish that I’d erased

and each tiny thing that I scribble on the page

in the hopes that I’ll create a tiny thing

at least for a while

and I went walking with my Lord

through woods so thick I scarce could see

and though i’ll never know for sure I swore he said

don’t worry bout your eyes as long as they’re on me

and as he led me to the field where all things go

I felt the life break through the death within my soul

as he said each tiny thing I have made

and each tiny thing I will lay to rest

and each tiny thing I will love the best

and you will know it when you hold each tiny thing to your breast

at least for awhile

and each tiny thing that I am

and each tiny thing that I’ll never understand

and each tiny thing that I cradle in my hand

sings a song of bigger things in bigger lands


I’m not asking you to break

any rules you might have made

i’m just asking you to hold

me in your arms

I have heard a wise man say

love will come to those who wait

well i’ve been waitin’ since I woke

and I ain’t found you

some time flies

but sometimes it does fly solo

and I get so low


I have always had a way

of burying what I should say

like how i’d marry you today

if you would have me

some time flies

but sometimes it does fly solo

and I get so low


cause there has never been a day

where i’ve not wished for time to wait

for me to take all my mistakes

and turn them around

some time, it flies

but sometimes it does fly solo

and I get so low


and some time, it hurts

and sometimes it just ain’t worth it

but I think you’re worth it


I See a Door

I see a door

but i’d like to sit inside these walls for just an hour more

cause my eyes have seen the future and I don’t like what’s in store

Oh I see a door, oh I see a door

I hear a war

but i’d like to sit inside these walls for just an hour more

cause I can hear the bloodcries and I think I dropped my sword

I hear a war, oh I hear a war

I see a door

but i’d like to sit inside these walls for just an hour more

cause I know the things that save me just might hurt a little more

I see a door, oh I see a door

and in that door, there’s a tree

and it’s calling out to me

on to bigger things

on to wider things

in that expanse, there’s a man

reaching out with broken hands

asking me to dance

but i’ve forgotten how to dance

but we’re dancing through the door

and I don’t know how I got here but I know that I want more

cause my heart has heard the music and I know who wrote the score

Oh I see a door, oh I see a door

Oh I see a door